POP ART - Bob Dylan Being human
Pop Art - Being human:
Protegemos nuestros derechos con alegría
Let's know the author by some of his own words❈
❈ Pre-reading activity: Before reading the biography reflect about some of Dylan's ideas. The objective is to make some inferences about his personality and way of thinking. You can also find more quotations on the net.

WORK WITH A PARTNER. What do you conclude?
By his words we can infer that Bob Dylan ...
We also think ...
To sum up, we consider ...
❈ Reading activity: Now find information about Bob Dylan. Here there are some links which lead you to his biography.

Form a group.
Assign roles.
Read the biographies.
Select between 7 to 10 relevant events in Dylan's life.
Create a story line.
Present your task to the class.

Don't forget to support your ideas.
Example: We feel that this event should be in this story line because...
Why don't you use some of these expressions?

We invite you to think about how you and your
classmates worked in the previous activity.

Como puedes leer en el siguiente enlace, Bob Dylan fue el ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 2016:

Después de leer el primer y el segundo texto del enlace anterior reflexiona con tu compañero:
- 1. ¿Qué les sugieren los textos leídos?
- 2. ¿Qué opinan al respecto?
- 3. Intercambien argumentos oralmente sobre si es posible que un compositor musical sea poeta.
- 4. Luego de realizar esta reflexión en dupla, creen un editorial al respecto, siguiendo las pautas dadas a continuación. Lean atentamente las siguientes normas y desarrollen en una carilla su opinión sobre el tema planteado.
Al finalizar la tarea compartan la lectura de su editorial con el grupo.
REFLEXION. Get together again with your partner you worked in the first activity.
Were your inferences about Bob Dylan far or near to the information you read?
Can you give examples to support your ideas, please?

Read the questions, think of possible answers and then check your answers with the text below.
When did Pop Art emerge?
Where did it appear?
What did Pop Art react at?
Can you mention one of Pop Art's objective?
What does Pop Art include from popular culture?
Who were Paolozzi and Richard?
Pop Art is an art movement that appeared in the mid-1950s in Britain and the late 1950s in the USA. Among the early artists that shaped the pop art movement were Eduardo Paolozzi and Richard Hamilton in Britain, and Larry Rivers, Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns among others in the United States. Pop art showed a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture such as advertising and news. In pop art, material is sometimes visually removed from its known context, isolated, and/or combined with unrelated material.
Pop art employs elements of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and common cultural objects. One of its aims is to use images of popular (as opposed to elitist) culture in art, emphasizing the banal or kitschy elements of any culture, most often through the use of irony. It is also associated with the artists' use of mechanical means of reproduction or rendering techniques.
Pop art is interpreted as a reaction to the then-dominant ideas of abstract expressionism, as well as an expansion of those ideas. Due to its utilization of found objects and images. Pop art and minimalism are considered to be art movements that precede post modern art, or are some of the earliest examples of post modern art themselves.
Pop art often takes imagery that is currently in use in advertising. Product labeling and logos figure prominently in the imagery chosen by pop artists, seen in the labels of Campbell's Soup Cans, by Andy Warhol. Even the labeling on the outside of a shipping box containing food items has been used in pop art, as demonstrated by Warhol's Campbell's Tomato Juice Box, 1964 .
Text adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_art

Creative task
It is time to get to know each other and decorate our classroom.
Create your portrait inspired in the POP ART approach.
Then we will decorate our classroom with all our portraits.
There are many apps available for this purpose.

OPCIONAL: Si se trata de un grupo de 6° Artístico, te proponemos que esta actividad se realice en forma interdisciplinaria con la asignatura Visual y Plástica.
GAME: wordsearch
Let's revise and learn some words connected to the topic "Being human" and "Human rights". Find the words from the list. Good luck!

❈ Listening comprehension: We are going to listen to one of the most interesting songs he wrote.
Blowin' in the wind by Bob Dylan
1. Listen and select the right word, please:
Before they're never / forever banned?
2. Listen and organize the verses in the right order, please:
_____ Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
_____ And pretend that he just doesn't see?
_____ And how many years can some people exist
_____ Yes, and how many years must a mountain exist
_____ Before they're allowed to be free?
_____ Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, and how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the ____________?
And how many ears must one man ___________
Before he can hear people _______?
Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he ________
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
You can listen and watch the video HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWwgrjjIMXA

Being human: "How many times..."
Mediante la pregunta retórica Bob Dylan estructura su canción/poema. Presenta tres preguntas en cada estrofa y la respuesta la da en el estribillo, por lo que en total son nueve preguntas retóricas (ver definición más abajo). Todas nos interpelan, por ejemplo en: "How many times can a man turn his head, pretend that he just doesn't see?", nos cuestiona cómo actuamos como seres humanos frente a las diversas situaciones de injusticia social, cuántas veces damos vuelta la cara frente a hechos que no sabemos o podemos resolver.
Actividad en pares
Reunidos con un compañero piensen y escriban tres preguntas en español que incluirían en la canción y tres preguntas en inglés. Piensen en situaciones que los interpelan como seres humanos, pueden ser cuestiones éticas, sociales o filosóficas.
La respuesta que da Bob Dylan a todas sus preguntas es: "The answer my friend is blowing in the wind..." lo cual da lugar a muchas interpretaciones: ¿Qué respuestas darían ustedes a las preguntas que elaboraron?
Then think about these questions:
- Are human beings losing humanity?
- What defines human being?
Finalizada esta tarea compartiremos en forma oral las distintas creaciones con el resto del grupo.
Análisis literario de la canción:
"Blowin' in the wind"
A continuación podrás leer una Guía de análisis literario, no es específica para el género lírico, por lo que incluye aspectos a analizar en otros géneros.

Actividad individual:
Te proponemos aplicar la guía para realizar tu propio análisis literario de la canción/poema.
Redacta el análisis en tu cuaderno o portfolio. Aplica solo los aspectos de la guía referidos al género literario al que corresponde el texto, es decir al género lírico. Ten en cuenta que hay aspectos que pertenecen al género narrativo que aparecen especificados en esta, por ejemplo el narrador y/o los personajes.
Recuerda que es muy importante el comentario donde explicarás en forma detallada las figuras retóricas o literarias que encuentres e interpretarás en detalle lo expresado por el yo lírico en cada estrofa. Además, desarrolla la conclusión en la que puedes plantear una reflexión final sobre la canción/poema. Para trabajar las figuras retóricas toma en cuenta las siguientes definiciones.

Let's stop and think
Read the following ideas, what can you do by now?
- I can recognize metaphors, alliteration, antithesis, hyperbole and anaphora.
- I can explain what they are.
- I can use them.
- I can express ideas about human beings and humanity.
- I can express how I feel when I achieve all the above.
Personal task
Here we suggest you make a cloud of words that reflect your emotions and feelings when you read Bob Dylan's poems or listen to his songs.
- You can use this tool to make your cloud. https://www.mentimeter.com/app
- Browse the net to find some lists of emotions and feelings.
Include your cloud in your portfolio and share it with your classmates.

La generación de 6° año busca recaudar ingresos para su fiesta de fin de curso. La comisión de finanzas ha propuesto la creación de un Instagram que incluya un blog con diversos contenidos.
Buscamos equipos de cuatro integrantes que conozcan la vida y obra de Bob Dylan para realizarle una entrevista imaginaria junto a Adele, quien interpretó una de sus canciones: "Make you feel my love" . Esta la puedes escuchar en este link:
Te sugerimos los siguientes pasos para la elaboración de este contenido:
- Use the information we have been working with to make interesting questions about Bob Dylan, his songs and the influence of Pop Art in his work.
- Imagine the possible answers according to the data we read.
- Adele can tell why she decided to sing his songs.
- En un momento de la entrevista los periodistas realizan aportes sobre el análisis de la canción / poema: "Make you feel my love" e intercambian sus comentarios sobre este, tanto con el compositor como con la cantante. Recuerden aplicar la guía de análisis solo en los aspectos relacionados al género lírico.
- Write the dialogue. Use the dictionary to enrich your vocabulary. Here you have a link to an on-line dictionary: https://www.wordreference.com/
- Once you have the dialogue, decide the roles you are going to perform: JOURNALISTS (2) - BOB DYLAN - ADELE.
- Study your part. Rehearse. Role playing.
- Record a video and upload it in our Instagram.

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