Bonus track

Remedios Varo

Who is Remedios Varo?

Is she a writer? What type of artist is she?

Why do you think we include her in this "bonus track"?

To learn about this great artist we invite you to search for information and  create a concept map about her life and work. Include these elements:

  • personal details (date and place of birth, family, etc)
  • studies
  • World War II and exile
  • her work

Include a painting you like. Choose a piece of work of the artist. Write the emotions that this work provokes in you. Explain why it generates those feelings  giving details that we can observe in the painting. 


You can use a concept map maker, Canva, Genially or any other tool.

Now, stop and think

How can you convince us that your opinion is the best?

What examples can you think of to demonstrate what you say?

How would you solve it?

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